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XDEV Software GmbHaccolade

XDEV is "Employer of the Future"

We received some good news: XDEV was awarded as "Arbeitgeber der Zukunft" ["Employer of the Future"]  by the Deutsches Innovationsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (DIND) [German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalization].

For DIND and Germany's largest business magazine DUP UNTERNEHMER, we are – after a strict review process – one of the flagships of German medium-sized businesses. According to their definition, Employers of the Future are innovative companies with a clear digitalization strategy that pursue sustainability goals and offer attractive, contemporary working conditions. The focus is set on the topic of future viability with all its facets – economic, ecological, social and digital. The seal is a recognition of entrepreneurial performance and is intended to have a strong signal effect on the labor market for skilled workers.

We are really pleased that this award confirms our commitment to a sustainable, innovative and employee-centric corporate culture.

By the way, for those who would like to see for themselves – our vacancies can be found here:

Jobs at XDEV