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Java conferenceApache Maven

XDEV brings "Apache Maven Survival Guide" to the IT Days 2023

We are looking forward to being part of this year's IT-Tage 2023 in December. The renowned IT conference will take place from December 11-14, 2023 at the Kongresshaus Kap Europa in the heart of Frankfurt am Main and promises a wealth of exciting talks, workshops and networking opportunities. With an enormous variety of topics, the event covers the entire spectrum of software development, architecture, databases, DevOps and IT operations, cloud, IT security, admin and management topics.

Our CEO Richard Fichtner will once again be a speaker at the IT Days.
In his Apache Maven Survival Guide with best practices from over 10 years, he shows how to achieve the following using only the standard Maven plugins:

  • Solve problems in the build
  • Make the build reproducible
  • Find security vulnerabilities in the code
  • Find security vulnerabilities in the build
  • Make the legal department happy
  • Make the build faster
  • Reduce the cost of the build
  • Emit less CO2

Session: "Apache Maven Survival-Guide mit Bordmitteln"

Speaker: Richard Fichtner
Date: Mittwoch, 13. Dez 2023
Time: 10:00 - 10:45 a.m.
Location: Plateau 1, Kongresshaus Kap Europa

More information about the conference and tickets:
