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Java conferenceJavaMicrostream / EclipseStore

Review JavaOne '22: full dose of Java!

Learning, networking and plenty of fun – that's the best way to sum up JavaOne.
The Java conference took place as part of Oracle CloudWorld from October 17 to 20 in Las Vegas and brought all the big names in the Java world to the "Entertainment Capital of the World" – for keynotes, workshops, exclusive demos and much more.

Of course, XDEV could not be missing and we were there with a total of four colleagues. Our managing director Richard Fichtner also had the honor to give a talk with Barry Burd at his side. Burd is a professor of mathematics and computer science at Drew University and the author of numerous books, including the bestseller "Java For Dummies"! The topic of their joint talk was "Enhance Your Career: Join a Java User Group" and covered the positive career impact of networking and getting involved in a JUG. They shared some exciting stories from their JUG experiences and also answered some questions about the Java community.

Markus Kett from the Java User Group Oberpfalz also gave a presentation about MicroStream.

The XDEV delegation also took the opportunity to meet with many old familiar faces, make new acquaintances and attend many sessions for new input to bring back to XDEV in Weiden. For the conference again offered a variety of exciting announcements and news in the areas of Cloud Applications and Cloud Infrastructure / Technology.

By the way, the date for next year's CloudWorld/JavaOne has already been set: September 18-21, 2023, again in Las Vegas.

Richard and Barry Burd on Java User Groups
Markus Kett about MicroStream
Talk by Billy Korando